March 21, 2024

Rising to Meet Modern Supply Chain Demands: The Essential Role of Technology


Supply chain demands are on the rise. Shippers, carriers, 3PLs, LSPs, and others are faced with the challenges of overcoming disruptions, operating sustainably, complying with new regulations, rising to meet new customer expectations, and digitally transforming their organizations from the inside out.

The list of demands can feel overwhelming. But luckily, there’s one solution that can help any organization meet these demands as rapidly as possible: technology. Supply chain stakeholders need the right technologies to power their businesses every day, sidestep challenges, and develop a competitive advantage that will sustain them for the future.

At Cargologik, our supply chain orchestration platform allows BCOs and LSPs to meet these demands, achieve operational efficiency, and delight their customers. See below for this week’s headlines on the power of technology in the supply chain, and contact us to learn more about how our platform supports your business.

Executing Digital Transformation, Building Sustainability

Right now, two of the most common themes across the supply chain landscape are digital transformation and sustainability. Logistics companies are traditionally low-tech, relying heavily on manual processes and relationships. To stay competitive and relevant, these companies are going through digital transformation processes. The sustainability theme comes partly from new regulations and an organizational desire to do what’s right for the planet.

On both fronts, real-time visibility is a key to achieving sustainability- and digital transformation-related goals. According to a new study, 77% of supply chain executives say that real-time visibility is a must-have for digital transformation, and another 36% said that sustainability was a “major consideration” for real-time visibility. We’ve previously written about the importance of real-time visibility in overcoming today’s supply chain disruptions. It’s clear that real-time visibility has widespread applications and benefits.

Traceability as a Key to Compliance

A new article by Supply & Demand Chain Executive hits on a similar theme: New technologies are needed for the “traceability” emerging supply chain laws require. We live in a time when more and more regulatory bodies and governments are introducing laws that affect supply chain operations. In many cases, real-time visibility is needed for compliance with these laws.

This is true of new laws related to detention and demurrage charges, sustainability, and other efforts. The good news is that supply chain managers don’t have to build their own real-time visibility platforms. They can find single-source-of-truth platforms that avoid fragmentation by providing full supply chain orchestration — visibility included.

Planning for Supply Chain Crises

We’ve lived through a steady stream of supply chain-related crises in recent years, starting with the pandemic and inclusive of labor issues, geopolitical turmoil, weather events, plus other disruptions. Supply Chain Management Review recently wrote about the importance of putting a plan in place before a crisis begins to mitigate risk.

Crisis planning should be comprehensive, including plans for implementing technology ahead of any crisis. It will always be too late to shop for, choose, and implement technology for real-time visibility, document management, and other key processes when a crisis has already started. You must have these technologies in place (preferably a single platform that does it all) so that you can use them to respond as a crisis unfolds.

Fortifying Supply Chains With Technology

This article from Automotive Logistics highlights the role that “advanced digital technologies” will play in fortifying the supply chains of carmakers and their tier-one suppliers. The story includes several examples of how carmakers are investing in technology to drive their supply chains, but these case studies could just as easily be applied to other industries.

There’s nothing simple about the supply chain in 2024 or the coming years. The processes and strategies once used to manage supply chains will fall woefully short. If you don’t have the technology needed to navigate the mo dern supply chain, it’s time to address that issue.

Get the Platform Needed for Supply Chain Resiliency

Are you ready to fortify your supply chain? The term “resiliency” is used a great deal in relation to the supply chain challenges experienced this year. At Cargologik, our supply chain orchestration platform gives you the tools to collaborate effectively and develop the resiliency needed to thrive in today’s landscape.

BCOs and LSPs that need to raise their technology game can use our platform to establish real-time visibility, manage documents, respond to exceptions, establish ETAs, plus more. Don’t risk falling behind in these challenging times. Contact us to learn more about getting the technology your organization needs to manage its supply chain effectively.

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